Tuesday, February 28

Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler

NEW ORLEANS (SNARKY) -- It's Fat Tuesday, which followed my Lundi Gras. And Dimanche Gras. And ... I'm sensing a trend here.

Revelry and debauchery just don't hold the same appeal for me that they once did, last week. Damn, I'm getting old and unfunny all in a matter of days.

I feel Lukateake jumped-the-shark with the "Pr0n" post and I pushed the envelope too far. In my eagerness to slaughter the sacred cattle, I crossed a line with you, the reader. I am truly sorry for my transgression.

So I've been avoiding the blog responsibilities for a few days in the hopes of distancing myself from that turning point of a post. I hoped to come up with something (anything!) new and spectacularly creative that would put my past intransigence to rest. But I'm afraid it was to no avail, unfortunately. All I could muster were a few tepid, pathetic entries concerning items of no consequence.

And that's the vagaries of wit it would seem. As they depart me, I'm left with a foreboding sense of cynicism; neither dashing ten-dollar words to save the day nor shearing profanities to breathe life into words on the page, just the cold gloom of grey rain clouds.

The melancholy hangs all around me today but I know that seeing a tittie tonight would go a long way towards erasing that. (Didn't see that coming now did you? Lukateake lives.)

Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler!

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Lukateake said...

Thanks, Roland for the French fix in the opening paragraph. Damn that Babelfish!

Anonymous said...

You need to get high dude.

Don't forget to bring a towel!