Tuesday, March 14

Pal Pissed-Off About Personal Post Paucity

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- A Chicago man's web log has upset another one of his friends. Again.

However, this time is different; instead of a friend getting angry over something that was written, the author now has to deal with the ramifications of when something has not been said.

Luke Penca writes the insanely popular "Lukateake" blog which examines his life's minutiae. He also regularly casts his friends into the fray through preposterous quotes which he falsely attributes to them.

Unfortunately, these references have not been equitable according to Thomas S., who like every other friend of Penca's also has a nickname, in this particular case, "Cott".

"I've known the guy for more than six years and I can't even get a [expletive] courtesy reference somewhere in the first 60 posts? Good Lord, who do I have to kill around here to get some damn publicity?"

Furthermore, the two friends have plenty of shared experiences and opportunities in which to draw upon from softball to socializing to the Iowa Hawkeyes.

"Cott is just quiet on the email threads, sort of laying in the weeds," said Penca. "While I might send out dozens of messages that amount nothing more than drivel, he'll save it up for one perfectly timed quip. My quantity versus his quality, I guess."

Being quoted on Lukateake does have it's drawbacks though.

"I just know he's going to fake some [expletive] expletives in my pulled quotes," said S. "And I don't even drop the word [expletive] that much really."

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Anonymous said...

Nice alliteration! I also liked the cannabis reference.

Anonymous said...

Immediate posting? Big brother is gone!