Thursday, March 9

Cold Shouldered 'Hotness'

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- A Chicago woman was abruptly excoriated today when she miscalculated her sex appeal while asking a group of her male friends a simple question.

With the group planning to meet at Sedgwick's the following day for the Big Ten tournament, Ms. X. sent what she thought was a benign email that read in its entirety, "where is sedgwicks?"

However, certain individuals who received the message felt X.'s question was a breach of email etiquette.

Immediate email responses intimated that she could find the information for herself, directing her to a search engine or other online resources. One terse response simply read, "On Sedgwick," referring to the street on which the appropriately-named bar can be found.

Recipient Andy H. was incredulous at the posed question saying, "Seriously, look it up. I did offer her in my response but I didn't go as far to make it a hyperlink. I'm friggin' 'Crafty' and I don't do shit like that."

Additionally, the distinction was made that only those who are utterly gorgeous can blithely ask such easily-answered questions.

"She's no Angelina [Jolie] so she can't pull a bullshit maneuver like that," said Luke Penca, an acquaintance who also received the email. "X. can look it up just like the rest of us because she's not the 'hotness'."

X. doubts Penca's assessment of her appeal, however.

"One of his friends made out with me just last week," exclaimed X. "So something of mine must be working right."

To which Penca responded, "Yes, I do have to give X. some credit I suppose; she's got some undercover titties."

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