Friday, March 10

Karma Doles Man His 'Just Deserts'

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- A Chicago man and his blog have been duped. Again.

Luke Penca, the author of "Lukateake", failed to grasp the whole picture when he bit on Ms. X's brilliant opening move yesterday. In his haste to blog the episode, he outplayed himself to the delight of X.

"I achieved much more than what I set out to do," said a confident X. "Instead of a simple email response or even a single 'reply all' to the group, I got a dozen messages and a goddamn blog post! Who's the 'hotness' now, bitches?"

Penca's snarky blog post about the incident offset the karmic equilibrium of the universe, building up a debt that would ultimately have to be paid back. His cock-sure announcement of the post set off an avalanche of emails with many coming to the defense of X. Moreover, the silence from some recipients was damning of his rashness.

In turn, this spotlight on X. was exactly what she wanted originally and reinforced her belief that all men are predictable in every way.

"I got worked and she knows it," said a contrite Penca. "This is my just deserts."

However, Penca cautioned X. to not be too confident of herself because "karma is a fickle mistress."

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