Friday, June 2

LiveStrong But Just Not This Long

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- It's true, I wore the LiveStrong bracelet two summers ago when they were the fashion accessory. Hell, I even wore it last year when Lance won his seventh Tour de France because I liked the contrast between its yellow band and my tanned olive skin. That and I liked cycling before it became cool to do so.

By then my friends thought that I was holding on a little too long. But really I was holding on long enough for the inevitable surge in popularity before bowing out gracefully on a high-note for a polyvinyl-chloride loop that cost me less than two dollars.

Once I removed my own bracelet I did an about-face and began belittling those who continued to wear them. I thought of them as posers and uninformed ones at that.

But it was really I who was uninformed because as I recently lobbed an epithet at someone wearing the LiveStrong it occurred to me that this person may actually have cancer. I was so caught up in what the bracelet had become that I forgot for which it really stood.

Jesus, I'm an asshole!

To those friends of mine (and you know who you are), if I still had my LiveStrong bracelet I'd wear it for you as a sign of solidarity.

Now about that white Iowa Hawkeye bracelet of mine, well that's a different story.

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