Tuesday, January 31

Blog Becomes 'Unholy Bitch Mistress' After 1 Week

CHICAGO (AP) -- It seemed like a good idea at the time. Luke Penca was going to post his witty rants and preposterously fake wire service stories to his new Myspace.com blog on a daily basis.

"I felt I could bring a refreshing point of view -- my view -- to the millions of readers who stumbled onto [my blog]," said Penca. "But then I ran out of ideas after only four days. Jesus, maybe I'm not as funny nor nearly as deep as I originally thought!"

Now that his blog situation has become untenable, Penca is clearly at his wit's end.

"Perhaps, I was a bit too ambitious and really should have researched this whole blog idea a little bit better. I do read other people's blogs everyday but I guess I never really thought about how they have to feed their unholy bitch mistress, too."

Friends of Penca are equally dismayed at what the blog has meant.

"I have to clam up whenever he's around for fear that what I say is going to wind up quoted on that [blog]. Or, let me be frank, misquoted!" exclaimed Andrew H., one of Penca's closest friends and a collaborator on past projects.

However, hope remains for Penca's blog and he isn't ready to fold it in quite yet.

"Somewhere in my messy room, there is a little black book that has ideas jotted down," said Penca. "Plus, I could always bring in a guest blogger for a fresh perspective. But the real 'coup de grace' for writer's block is that I can always do sh*t jokes if need be."

To be sure, plenty of writers have survived on scatological references and behavior, so why shouldn't Penca prostitute himself as well for an easy laugh?

Only time will tell.

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