Wednesday, May 17

Higgason No-Hits Cubs in BP Debut

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- In his major league debut with the Cubs, newly acquired batting practice pitcher Mike Higgason tossed 30 minutes of no-hit warm-ups before Wednesday's game.

Higgason, a 35-year-old left-hander who only played high school ball at Loyola Academy, threw batting practice for the offensively-challenged Cubs without allowing a single hit.

However, his perfect batting practice session was erased 22 minutes into the frame when Ronny Cedeno reached on Higgason's error.

"I got caught up in the screen in front of the mound and couldn't field [Cedeno's] dribbler cleanly," said Higgason. "Other than that one pitch, everything I threw found Blanco's mitt."

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