Monday, August 14

Ricky Bobby Beats Teen Pussy

CHICAGO (SNARKY) -- Worst. Headline. Ever.

By now you know that I'm a Variety devotee, Hollywood hanger-on and that I fancy myself a screenwriter. Albeit, an unsuccessful one at that. To date.

So it was over my morning joe -- late this afternoon -- that I came across a startling fact whilst browsing the actuals over at No, it wasn't that the Will Ferrell vehicle, "Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" held onto the No. 1 spot again that upset me but rather the contrived, derivative, formulaic "Step Up" that bested Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" for second place.

Let's revisit that: teenie bopper "Step Up", a fucking retread of the baldest of Hollywood tires, outdraws a movie that deals with one of the most visceral and important chapters of our nation's history. Goddammit, America, wake the fuck up!

Does anyone in my demographic still go to the movies anymore? Have we surrendered to the Friday night dinner-at-the-Olive-Garden-Ralph-Lauren-cologne-wearin'-boys- mackin'-on-Victoria-Secret-push-up-bra-not-gonna-put-out-girls date crowd?

Judging by its number, there had to be almost a million couples who did just that before taking in the never-riveting "Step Up" this past weekend. Amazing what guys will do for sex: sit through 98 minutes of drivel and dancing in exchange for three minutes of heavy petting in the Camaro with the windows fogged up.

Oh well, I guess I should be glad, seeing as how no one brought a goddamn laser pointer to my showing of "World Trade Center." Though there was the ever-reliable wailing newborn whose parents are seemingly deaf to his plaintive cries.

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Lukateake said...

I forgot to mention one thing. I loathe Nick Cage and his various hairpieces. But I was willing to put that aside because I felt I had to see the WTC movie. Amazing what some guys (me) will do for America.

Anonymous said...

Best. Headline. Ever!